Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Harpoon Lagoon

As many of you know, I have a soft spot for video games. Actually, I can't have them in the house because it's just too tempting - I can play all day. But Kathleen and I have been playing a little game online called Harpoon Lagoon. Darcee turned us on to it with a post on her blog (which is awesome). Anyways, I got 8th place last night, which is pretty freakin hard. It's a fun game - you should check it out.


Pajarrito lindo said...

duuuuude! How did you get 8th place?! I spent over an hour lastnight just trying to get on the list. I can't get past 33,000. Do you go for the big spear? It always messes me up. There must be something I'm not doing...
I do love the fishing music though... so soothing.

MattWilsonMD said...

The big spear is fun (who wouldn't love skewering a sea turtle) but I did not buy it last night. I was just snatching treasure and fish as fast as I could and got lucky I guess.