Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fashion Enema

Kathleen had a fashion consultant come over to the house the other day. No shit, a real live fashion consultant. She helped Kath clean out her closet, drawers, shoe rack and storage bins. It was a fashion enema. Look at this pile of give aways!
She took it all to Goodwill. And there's a seperate pile of stuff she's going to sell. I think I may actually have more clothes than her now! That is until phase 2... when they go shopping... (gulp)


Anonymous said...

Oh, no. Why didn't she give those hand-me-downs to her mother-in-law?!

Well, actually, that might have been strange. Every time you would come over, I would be dressed like Kathleen... the old Kathleen. Then you would have to give some more of your hand-me-down shirts to Loren so he wouldn't feel jilted.

Sigh. I guess it's better this way.

Pajarrito lindo said...

I kind of need a follow up showing some of the new purchases.. I've always wanted to do that! Smart girl K.